Become A Change-Maker

Where Does Change Begin?

Have you ever looked at the state of the world and felt overwhelmed? The needs around us, on a global and local scale, are so great that we can find ourselves wondering if we can make a difference that matters. While it’s crucial that we understand these needs, issues, and problems, we can easily become paralyzed if this becomes our only focus. What if instead we turn our attention to what is strong, both in ourselves and in our communities, and make this the starting point for solutions? What if we recognize just how much we each have to offer and how much more we can achieve when we work together?

When communities come together as a whole instead of a group of individuals, lasting impact can be achieved on a phenomenal scale. The Wellspring Foundation for Education has seen this time and time again in Rwanda. Through our Asset-Based Community Development training, communities have learned to create their own solutions in response to the challenges they face. The lessons we’ve learned in Rwanda have only strengthened our belief that sustainable change comes from within communities. This principle applies no matter where you are in the world.

Whoever you are––a neighbour seeking ways to brighten your strata, a teacher considering new opportunities to build into students, a parent looking to engage your family in serving others––there is something that we can all do to connect with our community and build a stronger and brighter future.

In our e-book Become a Change-Maker: Asset-Based Community Development & You, you’ll find strategies and actionable steps to help you understand how you can LEARN, CONNECT, EXPLORE, PLAN, AND START making a difference in your community.