Ignite is a passionate, determined community of monthly donors who spark children’s curiosity, intellect and God-given potential through investments in quality, inclusive education.
In countries across East Africa, like Rwanda, children are only required to attend Primary School. With only 2 out of 3 of children completing Grade 7, the time to spark a child’s curiosity, intellect and God-given potential through education is short.
At Wellspring, we know that when a child’s passion for learning is ignited at a young age by a well-equipped team of teachers, school leaders and parents, they are more likely to stay in school. This improves long-term health outcomes and earning potential to lift them out of generational poverty, and reduces the likelihood of falling victim to early marriage, sexual violence, partner abuse and trafficking. Access to inclusive, quality education can fundamentally change the trajectory of a child’s life. Join Ignite—our monthly giving community—and spark God-given potential in a child today.
How do we tangibly achieve what’s outlined above?
- We transform a child’s education experience and keep them in school. By improving the quality of instruction and increasing accessibility, we keep children engaged with their education and pursuing their God-given potential.
- We build Vibrant School Communities: Through our flagship initiative, the School Development Program, we equip school leaders, teachers, parents and community members to all excel in their specific role in providing a quality education to every child. Leveraging each community’s unique assets, we collaborate to address challenges and arrive at sustainable solutions that open the doors for every child to achieve their dreams.
- We shape the future: As a recognized leader in our field, Wellspring participates regularly on national and regional councils, working groups and other initiatives—in Rwanda and beyond—to directly shape the future of quality education in those regions.
- We multiply impact for large-scale, sustainable change: Because the transfer of knowledge is free, the transformation Wellspring initiates can spread quickly. Teachers who have been trained by Wellspring directly pass their learnings along to colleagues, multiplying the transformation and the return on investment.
Why join Ignite?
- It’s transformational. At Wellspring, we know that universal access to quality, inclusive education is the best tool we can use to combat multidimensional poverty and is the foundation upon which human dignity is achieved. From a more equitable and just society, to improved health and economic outcomes, an investment in education yields the greatest dividends for both individual and systemic change.
- You will make a difference—every month. Monthly giving puts you at the heart of the solution to help every child reach their God-given potential through education. Whether that’s helping to create safe, inclusive classrooms with teachers with up-to-date pedagogy or providing parents with opportunities to actively engage in their children’s education, your gifts ensure children in Rwanda—and across East Africa—have access to the quality, inclusive education they deserve.
- It’s affordable. You get to choose how much you want to invest. No matter how much you give, you can trust that the cumulative impact of your donations over time is life-changing.
- It’s easy. You can cancel or change your donation at any time.
- It maximizes your impact. With almost two decades of experience and continuous improvement, Wellspring is at the forefront of quality education change in Africa. When you give monthly through Ignite, you ensure that every child receives the life-changing gift of a quality, inclusive education.
What will you receive as a member of Ignite?
- Impact stories of how students are being impacted through your support
- A welcome package introducing you to the Ignite community
- Special invitations to exclusive events
- Other surprises along the way
Join Ignite—our monthly giving community dedicated to sparking the God-given potential in every child through quality, inclusive education.
Wellspring is registered as a charitable organization in Canada (#88633 4408 RR0001). Tax receipts are issued at year-end for donations of $20 or more.
Financial Policy: All monies receipted by The Wellspring Foundation for Education are disbursed according to the policies of the society for the general charitable intent of the organization.