What is Inclusive Education?
At Wellspring, we work to reach the most vulnerable children by working together to address barriers to quality education that put many children at a disadvantage—whether as a result of gender inequality, economic poverty, special educational needs, physical disability, language, or other barriers. All of Wellsprings’ programs and interventions, therefore, prioritize inclusion as we seek to bring a sense of justice, worth, and dignity to all those we engage.
Inclusive education is made up of teaching and learning practices, policies, and decisions that aim to remove the barriers that put some children at a disadvantage and have limited their access to quality education.
Equal access, opportunity, and support
When we talk of inclusive education, we are talking about changes in attitudes, behaviours, teaching methods, curricula, and environment to meet the needs of every child. Whether it be one-on-one support between a teacher and a student, wheelchair ramps to make traveling around the school ground more accessible, or ensuring that students with impediments to their vision are seated near the blackboard, all children are deserving of the same dignity, value, and worth that a quality education offers.
Inclusive education is about how we develop and design our schools, classrooms, programs, and activities so that all students learn and participate together. It ensures access to quality education for all students by effectively meeting their diverse needs in a way that is responsive, accepting, respectful, and supportive.
You belong here
Inclusive education is a commitment to providing methods to support children with different needs and speeds of learning. It is empowering the child’s potential in a holistic way that is physical, linguistic, social, cognitive, and sensory. It is about changing the education system to suit all children. It’s about making sure that every child in the school feels safe, welcomed, and like they belong.
Inclusive education ensures that every child is equally supported—according to their unique needs and circumstances—so they can achieve the potential that God has created for them.
Other Foundational Pieces
We are sharing these Foundational Pieces to help you learn more about who we are and what we do.