2014, the year in which we celebrated our 10th anniversary, was a banner year for Wellspring – something that was particularly evident in the outstanding results of reports compiled in partnership with both the British and Canadian Government development agencies. In our Annual Report below, you will see some of these results for yourselves, while also encountering stories from the people we serve that bring these statistics to life.

View our 2014 Annual Report

Here are few highlights from our Annual Report:

  • 2014-annual-report-coverWellspring turned 10: We celebrated 10 years of God’s faithfulness in bringing so many dreams for Rwanda to fruition, and building a strong community around our work. We are so grateful for all that this milestone represents.
  • Evaluation of the School Development Program: A recent report to CIDA established just how effective our SDP has been. Highlights of important results are on the following pages of this report.
  • Increased Impact in Rwandan Schools: Our School Development Program continues to thrive in Gasabo District, and is helping to turn schools into vibrant communities. The SDP is directly impacting 1600+ teachers, 82,000+ students, and their families, in 49 schools.
  • Wellspring Imagine Gala: Over 500 guests joined us in Vancouver, BC for our Imagine Gala. We premiered three new short films which highlighted our work, and over $200,000 was raised.
  • JustUs: In partnership with Youth Unlimited, we developed a
    curriculum for youth leaders, youth groups, and schools, to explore God’s heart for justice. More info at:
  • ACSI Rwanda: We worked with other stakeholders to establish the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) Rwanda and pilot a relevant accreditation process and standards.
  • Abundant Leadership Summit: 200+ Christian leaders with a passion to transform education attended our First Annual Abundant Leadership Summit in Kigali.
  • Burundi Expansion & Rwanda Transition: We established work in Burundi according to our strategic plan. Jeffrey Komant is our Burundi Country Director. Richard Taylor is our Rwanda Country Director.
  • North American Team Development: We added to staff, and created a partner engagement program focused on transformational activities for those who wish to engage with our work.


Download our 2014 Annual Report