Wellspring exists to see lives, schools, and communities transformed through quality education.
Your support enables us to work towards this vision, as we empower those who teach, lead, and raise Rwanda’s children with the tools to give them the best education possible.
And the result? Students are witnessing significant change in their parents, teachers, and leaders, which is in turn impacting their entire learning experience. Wellspring’s training is truly making a difference, as students share here in their own words:
In the lives of Teachers: “Our teachers help us to understand the lesson, and they teach with love and care. In class, students ask questions when they haven’t understood and teachers explain with kindness. Before the training provided by Wellspring to our teachers, we were afraid of asking questions because we were afraid of being beaten. Now the teachers care for students. They teach us how to respect ourselves and respect others. They give us class rules and school rules, and lead us by example.”
In the lives of Leaders: “Now, our Head Teacher loves students. Before the training from Wellspring, students could avoid them because they were not kind. Nowadays, they have become friendly; they give advice to our teachers and our parents on how to respect our rights; they listen to students, especially their complaints; and now there is good relationship between the Head Teacher and the teachers, and even with students and parents.”
In the lives of Parents: “My parents now care about my learning and I can communicate to them and tell them everything – failure or success – without fearing to be beaten.”
Your partnership is making this possible. Together, we have the opportunity to invest in the lives of thousands of Rwandan children, by continuing to empower teachers, leaders, and parents to play their unique part in bringing lasting change.
Will you join us in impacting a generation by making a financial contribution toward our work in Rwandan schools?
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