“What Excites You About The Future of Every Child?”

As we finish our celebration of International Development Week 2022, we’re looking ahead to what excites our team of trainers about the future of every child when it comes to their education.

We are living in a global education crisis that has widened and deepened by the impacts of the pandemic. According to the GPE, prior to the pandemic and its effects on education, more than 250 million children and young people were not in school—despite great global progress made towards fulfilling Sustainable Development Goal 4. While this number is staggering, at the height of school lockdowns, 1.6 billion students were out of school, based on data from the World Economic Forum. Students across the globe have missed out on online learning opportunities due to lack of resources, vulnerable students run the risk of not returning to schools, and the gap of learning loss may continue growing.

But there is hope.

Our team sees a future where every child is valued and nurtured through quality education. A future filled with the students of today and tomorrow all reaching their potential and making the world a better place. Hear their hopes and dreams:


“What excites me about the future of every child is the push towards inclusivity. Every child’s education—girl or boy—matters to Wellspring. The excitement comes from the fact that no child is left behind regardless of their circumstance. I’m excited to see that quality education is not for certain people but for all children. The outcome is a healthy nation—one filled with responsible citizens who serve one another to reduce inequality, promote justice, and the dignity of humanity.” 

Emmanuel T

“I’m excited to see every child attending school and receiving the quality of education that they deserve. I am excited to see all teachers transformed into caring teachers who develop the learners’ potential and make them good citizens. I am excited to see school leadership transformed, availing all the requirements for quality education, following up the teaching and learning process, and supporting teachers and learners to achieve their goals. I am excited to see all parents and communities treating every child worthy of education.” 


“I am excited to see all children accessing the education they deserve, including vulnerable children like learners from rural areas, those from poor families, those with learning difficulties and special educational needs. I am excited to support quality education because vulnerable students often suffer and sometimes the society around them doesn’t care. I want this to change, and I want to be a part of this change.”

Marie Jeanne T

“What excites me about the future of every child is seeing children go to school, learn and achieve the best possible outcomes in both academics and well-being despite gender, socio-economic status, ethnicity, geographic locations. I am also excited to see school leaders, teachers, parents, and the entire community work together to ensure an inclusive learning environment for children at schools and at home.” 

This future is worth fighting for.

So, we invite you to join us in making this happen! Day in and day out our team works towards seeing this future go from being a dream to a reality by investing in the entire school community—parents, teachers, and school leaders—for the benefit of every child. Learn more about our work in fighting for Goal 4: Quality Education for every single child, and how you can financially partner with us for the benefit of this generation of students and generations to come.

Will you join us?