The twinkling lights of Goma, DRC across the bay

Rwanda Amazes Me

I opened my eyes at 5:15 and thought “I should go back to sleep.” Then I heard the birds. In the dark of pre-dawn I got out of my bed, prepared for the day, and walked towards the lapping shore of Lake Kivu.

The birds filled the air with their sweet chitter chatter. The lights of Goma twinkled across the bay and the great traumatized Congolese city showed it’s timeless beauty in the dawn light. The water of the lake was calm even as ferries and transport boats were already passing on the horizon and in the mist. I spent the daybreak hour in solitude on the beach, perched on the edge of a lounge chair, marvelling to have the opportunity to wake up in this gorgeous place.

Rwanda amazes me, literally, at every turn.

Students in a classroom in Western Province

Today we toured a school which is a part of Wellspring’s new work in the Western Province. The classes were packed to maximum capacity and the children were full of joy. The school and the children clearly showed their poverty; the school was dilapidated and the childrens’ clothes were tattered. Yet in spite of overcrowding and poor facilities the children were present and the teachers were eagerly teaching. There is a lot of laughter in these classrooms and wide smiling faces greet us with endless enthusiasm.

The school headmaster explains to us how glad they are for Wellspring’s work in their district. After the success Wellspring has had elsewhere in Rwanda, this distant and poorer area of the country is eager to receive help.

After visiting the school we get back in our bus and drive for over four hours, crossing nearly half of the country. We were accompanied by Ernest, a Wellspring Rwandan staff, who explains the countryside as we pass through it. He even excitedly points out his own home village where his extended family lives.

Tonight we are resting at the city of Muhanga and we are looking forward to an exciting day ahead, including Azizi Life.

The Vision Trip team